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Football Card Values for 1997 Sets - Page 1

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1) 1997 Action Packed 24K Gold 2) 1997 Action Packed Crash Course 3) 1997 Action Packed First Impressions 4) 1997 Action Packed Gold Impressions
5) 1997 Action Packed Base Set 6) 1997 Action Packed Studs 7) 1997 Bowman Best 8) 1997 Bowman Best Atomic Refractors
9) 1997 Bowman Best Cuts 10) 1997 Bowman Best Cuts Atomic Refractors 11) 1997 Bowman Best Cuts Refractors 12) 1997 Bowman Best Mirror Images
13) 1997 Bowman Best Mirror Images Refractors 14) 1997 Bowman Best Refractors 15) 1997 Score Board Playbook Franchise Player 16) 1997 Score Board Playbook Mirror Image
17) 1997 Score Board NFL Experience Teams of the '90s 18) 1997 Score Board NFL Experience Season's Heroes 19) 1997 Score Board NFL Experience 20) 1997 Score Board NFL Experience Bayou Country
21) 1997 Score Board Playbook 22) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur 23) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur 22K Knights Black Magnum 24) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur Castles
25) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur Crusaders 26) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur Game Helmets 27) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur 22K Knights 28) 1997 Collectors Edge Excalibur Overlords
29) 1997 Collectors Edge Extreme 30) 1997 Collectors Edge Extreme Force 31) 1997 Collectors Edge Extreme Fury 32) 1997 Collectors Edge Extreme Silver
33) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters Hobby (Foil) 34) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters Crucibles 35) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters Night Games 36) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters Nitro
37) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters Radical Rivals 38) 1997 Collectors Edge Masters 1996 Rookies 39) 1997 Donruss Elite 40) 1997 Donruss Elite Gold

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